The Digest II – 2020 gives you an overview of the events at Forum Estates NV in 2019 and 2020, an update on the strategy, an insight into the corona impact on Forum Estates, and the consolidated balance sheet 2019 in IFRS format, as required by the FSMA.
You will read in the Digest II that we have not been idle in the meantime, a number of nice supermarkets were acquired, and a lot of work was done on the internal process optimization and computerization. In addition, a number of properties that no longer fitted the strategy were divested. In the meantime, we signed commitments for a number of new supermarkets (including a new-build Spar, Jumbo and Delhaize).
In order to give private shareholders the opportunity to still subscribe, a 12th capital increase in Forum Estates Holding BV will be organized on 10 December 2020. As always, half of the investment consists of a subordinated loan and the other half of shares. Should you be interested in subscribing to this capital increase, please notify You can subscribe from EUR 250,000 for new shareholders and EUR 100,000 for existing shareholders. We will then contact you for further processing.
Via this link (scroll down, and then click on the icon), you can download the Digest II of 2020.
26 October 2020